Math in Motion: Analyzing Real-Time Student Collaboration in Computer-Supported Learning Environments

Li, H., Zhang, S., Lee, S., Lee, J.E., Zhong, Z., Weitnauer, E., & Botelho, A. F. (2024, July). Math in Motion: Analyzing Real-Time Student Collaboration in Computer-Supported Learning Environments. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 533--541, Atlanta, GA, USA. [HTML] [bib] [pdf] [detail]

Learn about other projects on large language models (LLMs) in education that we presented at the same venue. 

(11:00 am - Large language models in education A, Monday, July 15 - Room 236)


EDM2024_Math in Motion

These are the slides from the presentation we shared at EDM2024.

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Here's the full text of our study.

Learn more about the code and the dataset via our OSF (Open Science Framework) project.